Dorothy I. Cline Papers 1915-1990 (bulk 1941-1987)
Related Entities
There are 3 Entities related to this resource.
United States. Works Progress Administration (corporateBody)
Organizational History President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935 as a part of his New Deal to curtail the Depression's effects on the United States. The WPA attempted to provide the unemployed with jobs that allowed individuals to preserve skills or talents. The Federal Writers' Project (FWP), one branch of the WPA, provided work for over 6,600 unemployed writers, journalists, edit...
New Mexico. Constitutional Convention (1969) (corporateBody)
The Constitutional Convention of 1969 was called by an act of the New Mexico Legislature for the purpose of considering revisions or amendments to the state constitution of New Mexico (1969 Laws of N.M, Chp. 134, Sec. 1-30). From the description of New Mexico Constitutional Convention records, 1969. (Santa Fe Public Library). WorldCat record id: 38547961 ...
Cline, Dorothy I. (person)
Dorothy I. Cline was Professor Emeritus at the University of New Mexico in the Department of Government (1946-1971). She was politically active on the state and national levels. She served as chairman of the Bernalillo Commission (1958-1960), a member of the Governor's Committee of 100 on Aging, a public member of the Adivsory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Washington D.C.), and on several committees for the 1969 New Mexico Constitutional Convention. From the description ...